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Improved GM_addStyle and a new @css header

By Erik Vold

Over the weekend I did some work on Scriptish!

One of the features I’m most happy about finally adding is the new @css header (introduced by and currently exclusively in Scriptish!), which effectively adds all of the power of Stylish to Scriptish ;) This was Issue #70.

The format is different than Stylish though, it is far easier. With Stylish a designer had to learn about how to scope styles to pages with crud like @moz-document which is not only ugly, but also nowhere near as expressive as the @match pattern or @include and @exclude patterns which Scriptish provides for userscripts (consider the TLD aspect).

So with Scriptish all a developer needs to do is write css as they normally would, without any extra special nonsense, and point to it with a userscript using this new @css header.

This feature was necessary I think because I’ve seen far too many userscripts using GM_addStyle which (before now) had major issues like:

  1. Exposed the userscripts existence to the page (making it easier to identify a user if a web dev was evil).
  2. Made writing css hard because one would typically wrap the css in strings literals.
  3. Lead userscript developers to often suggest installing a userstyle in combination with a userscript.

The first I fixed this weekend too, using the same underlying code that I used to implement @css, the second wasn’t necessay but required a developer to use @resource in combination with GM_addStyle which brought the first issue back in to play, and the 3rd issue was just making me sad, as a user of my own dog food I hated having to perform these multiple steps.

Well the dog food has never tasted sweeter than now with @css!